
Class Schedule:

Every 4th Tuesday of the Month

Every 4th Tuesday of the month, make sure to update your calendar or free schedule to ensure you have the time to attend the class sessions.

This regular commitment is important as it allows you to further your education and expand your knowledge in a structured manner.

By prioritizing these class sessions and setting aside specific time slots, you able to fully immerse yourself in the learning process and make the most out of each session.

It takes a bit of organization and planning, but it is well worth it as you are able to stay on track with the studies and stay committed to your personal growth and development.

Class Calendar


The Biblical Path to Lasting Change (Romans 6:16-17)

May 23

Evaluating True Salvation (II Corinthians 13:5)

June 27

Sept 26

Aug 22

July 25

The #1 Problem Facing the Counselor: A Poor Image of God (Proverbs 9:10)

Love & Romance in Dating & Marriage (I John 4:7-8)

Forgiving Others (Colossians 3:13)

Oct 24

Determinism (Ezekiel 8:2-3)

Nov 28

Counseling Christian Leaders

Class Calendar


Marital & Pre-Marital Counseling

Jan 23

Eternal Forgiveness; The Bible Answer for Lingering Guilt

Feb 27

May 28

Apr 23

Mar 26

Prayer in Counseling


The Incredible Role of the Gospel in Counseling (I Corinthians 15:3-4)

June 25

The Bible Counseling (II Timothy 3:16)

July 23

Jesus the Wonderful Counselor

Aug 27

Sep 24

Oct 22

Nov 26

Biblical Counseling Methodology I

The Sovereignty of God & Fear of God in Counseling (Isaiah 6:1-8)

Transforming Grace (II Corinthians 9:8)

Biblical Counseling Methodology II

Class Calendar


Principles of Personal Sanctification

Jan 28

Counseling for Addiction

Feb 25

May 27

Apr 22

Mar 25

Counseling for Moral Failure

Comprehensive Final Exam of Entire Course

The Holy Spirit in Counseling

Quality, not quantity

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey of knowledge and growth? By clicking the button, you will unlock a world of captivating class sessions that will expand your horizons and foster your intellectual development.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to engage with expert professors who are passionate about their subjects and dedicated to helping you succeed. Each class session is carefully curated to provide you with valuable insights, thought-provoking discussions, and practical skills that will empower you to thrive in your academic pursuits.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards unlocking your full potential by clicking that button and immersing yourself in a transformative educational experience. Let's make your learning dreams a reality!

Recommended Materials as References

Why Christians Can't Trust Psychology (PDF)

A Theology of Biblical Counseling: The Doctrinal Foundations of Counseling Ministry (EPUB)

Ed Bulkey, Ph.D

Heath Lambert